Saturday 6 December 2014

What I learned from Nanowrimo2014.

- There is magic in doing.
The way I was able to finish was to start and keep going. I had days and times where I didn't feel like writing, but just made myself keep typing and I think this taught me a lot about the process of writing and being a writer.

- If you just keep writing, eventually you'll get to the stuff you like.
- very little is as bad as you remember it.

- It all works itself out in the revisions.

It's a process as well as a mindset.

Setting time limits leads to better productivity than 'just writing'.

Nano 14, Day 5 thoughts

Consistancy breeds mastery...or whatever.

So, last we spoke I was semi-dreading the start of Nano14.
Wondering how I was going to manage to write 1,667 words a day.

Well, it seems I over-estimated the time it would take to write and now, after 4 days of writing, I'm sitting at the quarter way point, twelve thousand five hundred words in. Twelve THOUSAND words in 4 days!!!!