Monday, 15 September 2014

When I heard about ROW80 as an alternative to NaNo, I was liking it more and more. No hard deadline (50,000 words in 30 days) 267% more time to do the challenge (80 days instead of 30).

However, and this was the best part for me, I get to choose my own goal.

 Of course, the point of making this useful is to make the goal something that actually achieves something. Years ago, I had a goal of writing everyday, something my writing coach at the time told me to do. I did, but often the entry would be " There. I wrote today. Goodbye"

Something like " Write 1,000 words  every day." or "Write for 30 minutes every day for a month." will do more to get and keep me on track than a vague goal.

So far, I've been pretty good. I've written, if not every day, most days, to the point where I definitely feel my habit muscles building.

And, if I'm not writing text, I'm spending time working on the outline or fleshing out characters or concepts of the novel(s)

This is a good thing, I know.

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