Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Round Four Goals!!!!!!

This week's the start of  a new round (Numbah foah!!!!) of  ROW80, or Round of Writing (Needs that announcer echo thing happening as you say it....ROOOOUNNNND offfffffffffff WRITINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG..ng ng ngngng..."

80 days to get your write on, in whatever way you want.

NaNoWriMo's also looming, so there's that as well...

My goal and I say this basically to publi-shame myself into doing it is this:

One blog entry about writing every day for 80 days.... So, basically from now until just after Christmas, if my calculationes are correct-amundo...

Ok, and to not weasel-ass my way out of this by typing "There, I wrote, Done" and thinking that's a blog entry...cause it AIN'T......I'll add this...Minimum 100 words.. Mighht be more might not some days, but 100 words every day.

Caveat lector, though...Odds are that a fair chunk of the November ones will be kvetching about NaNo...

Just so you know....

OK, well, let me go write-ify up something and I'll post it


  1. And the award for the most entertaining blog post I've read in a long time goes to . . . That was fun. All the best with your goal . . . and NaNo. TTFN

  2. A great goal :-) I look forward to hearing more about your progress as the round develops.
